PEARL is an acronym for Physician Emergency Access Referral Line, is a software program for real-time entry and management of transfer centers, physician consult referral lines, and patient admissions.

Patterned after the AMS (AeroMed Software), PEARL creates a completely paperless transfer center operation. It logs the iincoming call, tracks physician on-call schedules, pages the appropriate physicians via alpha or digital pagers. logs elapsed times for responding to pages, and tracks the information flow during the lifetime of the call. Alarm clocks alert you when things are taking too long. 

You can easily keep track of who is on call for any specialty, entering the schedules as far in advance as you desire. 

PEARL watches the clock for you, timing how long things take so you can easily monitor the performance of your responding physicians, ambulance agencies and staff. For admissions, all admissions data including demographics and insurance information may be entered. This data can then be downloaded directly to your admissions department computer or directly faxed to them via the StatWin Module. You can even page the admissions department to alert them of an incoming transfer! 

Reports are available to track calls in progress, overall call log, call logs by type of call, active times, communicator duty logs, and center activity logs. Statistical summaries include calls by geographic region, by doctor, by day of week, time of day, and by type, comparing volumes week by week to previous years. Charting your referral patterns has never been easier. 

PEARL can talk directly to digital and alphanumeric pagers, FAX its output to FAX machines, directly dial telephones for you, and log everything in its activity log - no more paper logs in your transfer center!

Screen Shots

Run Information | Run Summary | Demographics | Times | Vital Signs